
Meet the Author

In the multifaceted world of James Becton, being an author, entrepreneur, dedicated family man, and a resilient individual are roles he navigates with unwavering determination. Here's a glimpse into the dynamic persona that shapes his inspiring writing:

Dedicated Family Man: James has journeyed through the highs and lows of life, embracing the profound experiences of marriage and fatherhood. James is married to the love of his life, and the proud father of five children, including four adults and a young five-year-old named Trey (James Becton III). His approach to parenting encompasses three crucial roles: to protect, to provide, and to teach. These principles have not only guided his family life but also seeped into his writing and entrepreneurial endeavors. As a proud father, he has been actively involved in nurturing his children's growth, contributing to the responsible adults they've become.

Antifragility Unveiled: The concept of antifragility isn't just a theoretical idea for James—it's a philosophy woven into the fabric of his life. He has confronted personal trials, childhood trauma, and unforeseen challenges, which have not merely made him resilient but have fueled his journey towards becoming antifragile.

Inspired by a Remarkable Wife: James draws inspiration from his wife, Talondia, whose courageous battle with breast cancer illuminated the depths of her resilience. Her unwavering strength during this crucible illuminated new facets of her character, adding layers to James' understanding of the human spirit. Her journey has indelibly shaped his perspectives on life, love, and fortitude.

Textured Writing: The threads of his life, interwoven with family, resilience, entrepreneurship, and personal trials, breathe a unique texture into James' writing. His words resonate with depth, authenticity, and a rich understanding of the human experience. Through his books, he shares valuable insights on leadership, motivation, success, growth, inspiration, Christianity, and the entrepreneurial spirit.

James Becton isn't just an author; he's an embodiment of his words—a testament to the unbreakable spirit that can emerge from life's challenges. Get ready to be inspired and empowered by the experiences and insights of an author who understands that the same wind that extinguishes a candle can ignite a forest fire.

Where it All Got Started


James Becton's journey began under modest conditions, far from the glitz of silver spoons. Born as the second of five siblings, he naturally stepped into the role of a big brother, a position he would cherish throughout his life. Even during his school days, James displayed an insatiable appetite for knowledge. English and Chemistry were his favorite subjects, although his prowess in mathematics was unmistakable. It was clear from a young age that he had a curious and analytical mind.

Adult Life

James Becton hails from the vibrant city of Memphis, his passion for literature and chemistry ignited early on. This fascination led him to pursue his first degree in Chemical Engineering, a field that showcased his commitment to understanding the complexities of the world. However, the call of the written word remained strong, pushing him to explore Theology and ultimately earn his Master's degree.

James's writing journey was deeply rooted in the childlike wonder he carried from his youth. The world fascinated him, and he believed in the power of storytelling to convey complex ideas. His inquisitive nature laid the groundwork for the ideas that would culminate in his soon-to-be best-selling novel. Raised in the rural town of Oakland, TN, he had the opportunity to appreciate the simple joys of life, fostering his love for reading and storytelling.

In 2017, while juggling roles as a General Motors Manager and a Doctoral Program student, James undertook the challenge of launching a trucking company. He encountered unforeseen setbacks due to poor decisions by his drivers, forcing him to take full-time control of the business. His determination to navigate this business upheaval led to a tough choice—temporarily discontinuing his Doctoral Program just six hours away from completing it. Despite these setbacks, James not only rebounded but thrived.

Where He is Now

James Becton's literary journey is just one facet of his multifaceted life. He is now the CEO of Becton Capital Inc., dba as Credit Revive Hero, LLC and The Becton Group, LLC, a company that specializes in personal and business success. Through these ventures, he empowers his clients to achieve growth, success, and a transformed personal and business trajectory. James is a coach's coach; he thrives off of sharing his knowledge, expertise, and experiences with others to add value to their lives.

James's book, "Rise2Boss," is a testament to his remarkable transition from a corporate cog to a visionary entrepreneur. However, his journey doesn't stop there. His second book, "Unbreakable: Becoming Antifragile," reflects his own battle with life's uncertainties. With a strengthened relationship with God and a newfound understanding of the antifragility concept, he unearthed the idea that resilience and adaptability are a birthright for everyone. His mission is to help individuals learn how to not just survive but thrive in the face of change and adversity. 

In a twist of fate, the journey persists. Enter his third literary masterpiece, "The Passion Puzzle: Discovering Your Life's Missing Piece." This book, an embodiment of his pilgrimage through life's labyrinth, extends a compass to fellow seekers, guiding them to unearth the treasure trove of passion concealed within their own hearts.

In all aspects of his life, from family to business and writing, James Becton embodies a spirit of resilience and a drive to inspire others to unearth unstoppable success in all facets of their life.

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